New ArcGIS course for ETH employees
ArcGIS Introduction and Advanced Analysis with ModelBuilder courses: register now
"ArcGIS introductory course" 2 day course June 20-21.2016
In the introductory course you will learn about the basics of GIS, the structure and frequently used data formats, coordinate systems and transformation, geo-referencing, creating and editing and analysis of spatial data, creating maps/presenting results of spatial analyses. No prior knowledge is required.
Location & time: NO D39 from 8:30 – 17:00
Course language is English.
Course fee: 100 CHF
"Advanced Analysis with ModelBuilder in ArcGIS" June, 22. 2016
In the advanced course you will learn about the basics of ModelBuilder, using parameters and variables to build tools, working with iterators and batch processing to run operations on multiple datasets, increase your knowledge of analysis methods, geoprocessing tools and the Image Analysis window and learn how to find and integrate Pythons scripts.
Location & time: NO D39 from 8:30 – 17:00
Course language is English.
Course fee: 70 CHF
Number of participants is limited. To register and for questions contact the GIS team: